There’s probably nothing better for employers in times like these than being able to track your employees through just an app. You can access it from anywhere, any time.
Just A Click Away:
TimeClock tracking app lets you keep a record of everyone. It works on every device for super easy access. You’re just a click away from seeing your employees’ performance, status of the projects, etc. Your employees can time in when they start their job, and time out when they finish. You can also time track their customers, tasks, etc.
Easy Approval:
No need to use anything at all for approval. All you need is your smartphone. The managers can review and approve time slots. It also comes with easy scheduling of time for your employees.
Saved by a Bell:
Turn on alarms to help ease out the scheduling. Employers will know via this app when to time in and when to time out. You can also track overtime with this, with no bluffing in between.
GPS tracking:
Not only can you track the time, but you can also track the whereabouts. You can know the when and the where, both, using this app. All you need to do is set your geofence around your usual job places.
It’s compatible on all forms of devices; laptop, tablet, desktop, even mobile phones. It works well on all web browsers. And to top it all, it’s available on iOS and Android, both.
Free Use:
It’s an app that’s super easy to use. All you need to do is download the app for free, sign up for free, with no credit card information required, sign in and boom! You’re good to go.
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