Integrating TimeClock 365 with QuickBooks
Setting Up a User in TimeClock 365
- Log in to TimeClock 365
- Navigate to the sidebar -> Users -> Add New user
- Fill out all the required information in the user card. Important: Ensure that the email address you enter in TimeClock 365 exactly matches the email address associated with the user’s profile in your QuickBooks account. This is critical for accurate data synchronization.
- Click Save
Connecting TimeClock 365 to QuickBooks
- Navigate to the sidebar -> Settings -> Company profile -> Intergrations
- Click QuickBook Sync
- You will be redirected to the Intuit system (QuickBooks). Log in to your QuickBooks account and select the specific company you wish to connect to TimeClock 365.
After successfully selecting your QuickBooks company, you will be automatically redirected back to TimeClock 365. Your accounts are now linked.
Viewing Time Data
- In your TimeClock 365 account navigate to the sidebar -> Reports -> Detailed Attendance Report
Once users begin tracking their time in TimeClock 365 (by clocking in and out), this time data will be available in your QuickBooks reports.
For testing purposes, you can add punch-in and punch-out times directly within TimeClock 365.
- Synchronize Data: Click the “Synchronize with QuickBooks” button to ensure the most recent TimeClock 365 data is sent to QuickBooks.
- In your QuickBooks account, navigate to the reports section. Usually, this involves: Sidebar -> Reports -> Payroll -> Time Activities by Employee Detail Report (or Recent/Edited Time Activities Report or your preferred custom report)
- Here, you will see the employee’s tracked hours that were captured in TimeClock 365.